Persevering in the midst of challenges can be difficult.
Our intentions often remain the same, but inevitably, life happens.
As women, we often have an abundant desire for perfection when it comes to the roles we play. Our schedules change, there are expectations that can’t be met, and goals that we aren’t quite sure we can reach.
But then, there’s Jesus.
With arms wide open and a love for us far greater than we can even begin to fathom, He is there. Ready to release our chains of guilt and our incessant need for perfection and trade them in for something far easier to carry: His undeniable mercy and grace.
We know that this world gets heavy and our hearts grow weary. But, because we have the living, breathing, word of God, we also know that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
There’s something so powerful about knowing that the God of infinite strength wants to carry all of the heaviness that often weighs us down. Yet, in the same breath, it’s undeniably heart-wrenching to think of how it must break His heart when we strive so hard for what the cross already conquered.
You see, sweet sister, there’s nothing more that we can do on our own to earn His love and approval. There’s no striving for perfection with Him. There’s no mistake too big for Him. The price He paid covers all of our sins and secures our hope.
And when those “less than perfect” days arise, I pray that you find encouragement in these steps below. We were never meant to do life on our own, so let’s lock arms and finish the race set before us.
1. Let’s be intentional about setting aside time to be alone with Jesus.
“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead..”
Philippians 3:13
We know that prayer and communication are essential in building a relationship with Jesus. We know that relationships can’t thrive if there isn’t mutual effort on both sides. Yet, when it comes to our relationship with Christ, we often forget we have to be intentional to meet with Him, too. It’s important to remember that Jesus never gets tired of meeting with you. And even better, He chose to die so that you can live FOREVER with Him. What a hope! So, be intentional with your time, sister. Crack open your bible when you have five minutes alone. Turn on praise music when you’re driving here or there. Do your best to meet with Him. Even if only for a moment.
2. Find accountability and remain invested!
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Growing in Christ is a gift! And how special is it that we get to share in that gift with other believers? That we get to walk alongside them and encourage them! Finding friends you can invest in is such a treasure. Although we know that our ultimate accountability comes from Christ, having someone that you can confidently share your strengths and weaknesses is so beneficial to your walk with Him. Remember that there are other believers who want to lift you up and spur you on! Cheer on those around you and show them what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
3. Be flexible!
Remember that schedules change and seasons change, but JESUS NEVER DOES! He is just as eager and excited to sit with you today as ever before. Remind yourself that every day won’t look the same and that’s okay! Take advantage of the moments you can to be alone with Him and give yourself some grace!
Sweet sister, I pray that through your shortcomings and imperfections, you grab ahold of His ever-present compassion. Remind yourself that His mercies are new every single morning, and He alone is more than enough. I pray that you are strengthened through His grace and mercy and feel a fresh start to the week ahead! He is with you, friend!
Follow our Contributing Writer - Hannah Dunaway