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What to Do if You Don’t Feel Motivated to Read Your Bible

Writer's picture: Jennifer PerezJennifer Perez

Have you ever walked through a time when you didn’t feel motivated to read God’s Word? Maybe a few days of not wanting to read the Bible turned into a few weeks...and a few weeks turned into a few months as your Bible sat on your nightstand, unopened and unread.

Maybe you’re even in that kind of a season right now?

If so, I want to be the first to say that you are not alone. There have been many days (and a few seasons) in my Christian walk when I wasn’t motivated to read Scripture. I love God’s Word, and I know my soul needs to spend time reading the Bible every single day. But, as hard as it is to admit, sometimes I just don’t feel motivated to spend time with God.

If you haven’t felt like cracking open your Bible lately, the suggestions I’m about to share are not meant to make you feel embarrassed or ashamed for not wanting to read your Bible. Rather, I hope these suggestions help encourage you and motivate you to spend time each day soaking in the everlasting, holy Word of God.

1. Ask the Lord to give you a desire to read the Bible.

The absolute best thing you can do is to ask God to stir in your heart affection for His Word and a desire to read it. The Lord knows our hearts (Psalm 139:1-2) so it’s not a surprise to Him when we are not wanting to read His Word. Our flesh is weak, but He is here with us, ready to extend His grace to help us in our weakness.

So, friend, come to the Lord. Talk to Him about your struggles, and ask Him to grow in you a strong desire to spend time with Him. He is loving and compassionate and will meet you right where you are.

2. Read the Bible even if you don’t feel motivated yet.

After you’ve prayed and asked God for motivation to read His Word, grab your Bible and open it up...even if your heart hasn’t changed yet. Don’t wait until you feel like it! Even if you only read for a few minutes before going on with your day, you can trust that God’s Word is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12 ESV). You have no idea what verse or passage the Lord might use to speak to you as you spend time with Him!

3. Use a reading plan or a Bible study that interests you.

Sometimes we aren’t motivated to read our Bible because it’s just too overwhelming and we don’t know where or how to start. I’ve found that I’m much more motivated to read my Bible, though, when I have a reading plan or a Bible study to work through.

{If you’re looking for a Bible reading plan, Radiant Sisters is reading through the Bible in a Year this year. You can join our community of sisters in Christ as you grow in your knowledge and understanding of God and His Word!}

4. Ask a friend to pray for you and keep you accountable.

During a challenging season when I struggled to want to read the Bible, I asked my husband and a close friend to pray for me. Over the course of a couple of weeks, as they encouraged me and prayed for me, God softened my heart and grew in me a desire to read His Word again. As hard as it was to tell them that I was not motivated to spend time with the Lord, I’m so glad I reached out and asked for prayer!

If you’re struggling right now to find the motivation to read your Bible, sweet friend, remember that you have the loving-kindness and grace of God to help you through this season. He is so patient toward you, and He can soften your heart toward His Word once again.


Follow Contributing Writer - Jennifer Perez

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