Recently, many people have asked me what it is like to write a book. It is difficult to answer this thoughtful question with only one sentence. I thought I would answer it the best way I know how….with all the words.
Writing a book is literally falling on your face before the Lord and pleading that this book be all of Him and none of you.
Writing a book is detailing a schedule with deadlines and plans so that the task doesn’t feel so impossible.
Writing a book is staring at a blank screen and waiting for the words to come to you with no success.
Writing a book is praying that the message will someday lead to fruitful transformation.
Writing a book is recognizing how much you need a team to make you better.
Writing a book is sobbing when you read the words you just wrote, because you know those words came straight from the Holy Spirit.
Writing a book is pouring your heart onto a page.
Writing a book is googling if deeply rooted needs a hyphen or not. (Seriously...we still don’t fully know).
Writing a book is wondering if anyone will even like what you wrote.
Writing a book is hours spent in your local Starbucks.
Writing a book is running into someone who has read your book and hoping that it impacted their life.
Writing a book is questioning yourself every step of the way.
Writing a book is spending money you may never get back.
Writing a book is inviting Jesus into every single step of the process.
Writing a book is asking your family to provide you with space for creativity and discipline.
Writing a book is more editing than anything else.
Writing a book is opening up your deepest feelings for others to consume.
Writing a book is arguing with your coauthor over the tiniest grammar and content details and still loving each other fiercely.
Writing a book is tearing up when someone tells you the content is life changing.
Writing a book is a lot of waiting.
Writing a book is questioning every single word used to make sure it speaks exactly what it needs to speak.
Writing a book is a response in obedience towards the bigger call.
Writing a book is branding and dreaming and planning and selling.
Writing a book is both everything you thought it would be and nothing you thought it would be.
Writing a book is feeling completely unequipped for the task at hand.
Writing a book is ministry. Grueling, fulfilling, exciting, scary, hard, easy, joyful, wonderful ministry.
So there you go. That is what it is like to write a book. Well, that and so much more.